Hope for When It’s Hard to Believe
Sometimes believing in Jesus is hard—especially when we experience unexpected events. Luke 24 offers us some hope when it’s hard to believe.
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Sometimes believing in Jesus is hard—especially when we experience unexpected events. Luke 24 offers us some hope when it’s hard to believe.
We all fail in following Jesus sometimes, but the Apostle Peter failed too. Here are three things that give us hope from Peter’s story.
Starting a new year sometimes feels harried, pushed, stressful. Here is the best way to begin the new year instead.
Jesus is calling for disciples who don’t make excuses—but disciples who are willing to follow Jesus—even if it means leaving everything behind.
Playing church or religion misses the whole point of the Kingdom.
Sometimes we pray daintly, as if God wants safe and careful requests, but what if we prayed audaciously?
Jesus gave his disciples power and authority and we also have power and authority in Christ. So, what does Jesus call us to do?
We want to live a fruitful life in the Kingdom of God—but sometimes we seem to be moving through our days without making much of a difference (or so we think). The Parable of the Sower helps us consider how to cultivate a fruitful life for the kingdom, right where we are.
We tire of religion—looking like we have it together—or thinking God will only love us if we do. Religion won’t save us, but one thing will.
Sometimes following Jesus looks foolish. Faithfulness can even look like a waste—from the perspective of people who love us most. But Luke Chapter 5 gives us Kingdom perspective.
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