Hope for When It’s Hard to Believe

When It's Hard to Believe
Sometimes believing in Jesus is hard—especially when we experience unexpected events. Luke 24 offers us some hope when it's hard to believe.

Sometimes trauma makes it hard to trust.

The men and women who followed Jesus witnessed Hope die—a tortuous, gruesome death. So when the women find Jesus’ empty tomb and declare the resurrection to the men, we can understand the eleven remaining disciples staring in disbelief (see Luke 24).

They believed in Jesus and left everything to follow Him. They believed He is the Great I AM in the flesh. They believed He was the conquering Messiah. They believed He would reign over Israel. And they most likely were teased, belittled—ostracized for it.

And then He died.

When grief, pain, or trauma shroud our vision and understanding, it can be hard to believe God is at work.

But Peter.

Peter, in clouded hope, ran to the tomb to see for himself.

When have you experienced a situation that was hard to believe?

In the Luke 24 episode of the Well Soul Podcast, we take a moment to pause and consider how we can trust God and run in hope like Peter—even when we are shrouded in fear, doubt, and pain.

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