My father-in-law, Jim, called from his cellphone on his way to our house after we moved in.
“We’re lost,” he said. “My GPS thinks that your neighborhood doesn’t exist.”
In fact, he was right.
The last time his Garmin GPS received an update, my front porch only existed in the dreams of a property developer.
I pulled up my satellite GPS on my phone and directed him and my mother-in-law, Snow, mile by mile to our house. By the time they arrived, they could have driven from their house in Pennsylvania, to Florida—or so it felt.
This (kind of funny) story reminds me of the importance of solid information when we make any kind of journey; A spiritual journey is no different.
The Landscape of the Gospel
Lent is a time to reorient ourselves to the landscape of the Gospel. We once again review our solid information of the Scriptures that navigate us to the cross of Christ.
We remember our wickedness compared to God’s holiness and we arrive at home, once again, through a season of reflection and confession.
This Lent season, take time to listen to your soul and reconnect with Jesus through His work on the cross.
Rightousness is a Gift
Take a slow moment to read the following verses from Romans 3 (NIV):
Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.
But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify.
This righteousness is given through faith inJesus Christ to all who believe.
There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. . .
What stood out to you from the verses?
There is no way to earn God’s favor (his grace). There is no way to make ourselves righteous before God on our own. The only way to arrive home in our relationship with Him is through receiving Christ’s sacrifice by faith.
Recommit Your Faith in the Gospel
Take a moment to read the verses above again and turn them into a prayer of confession and faith.
If you would like to read a prayer instead, here is one to follow:
Father, Son, Holy Spirit—One and Only true God, I worship You. I know I am a sinner and have no way to enter into a relationship with You on my own merit. You are holy. I am not. But Your righteousness is given to me by faith if I believe in Jesus. I believe. I believe that I am made right before your eyes because of my faith in Jesus buying me back (redeeming me) from my slavery to sin through becoming a sin sacrifice for all who believe. His blood pays the death penalty for my wickedness. Thank you, Jesus. Now, Father, please empower me by Your Spirit to honor you in thought, word, and action. I want to follow You more today than yesterday.
In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.
Join us this Lent Season
5-Step Confession Guide
Join the Well Soul community as we reflect and repent this Lent season through the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ Greatest Commandments statement. Refresh your relationship with God in a deep and transforming way.
Play Catch-up
Need to catch-up on some episodes? Here’s your time to slow down and drink in God’s Word.
THIS WEEK we launch the Lent Series, “God I Need You: A Lenten Journey in the Book of Romans.” Our first episode looks at the gospel as revealed in Romans 3 and focuses on the gift of God’s righteousness.
In Luke 24 we finished our series through the gospel account by reflecting on the fear and doubt of the disciples as they slowly discover Jesus’ resurrection—and we saw that we can have certainty in our faith, even when we struggle through seasons of fear or doubt.
Lent Podcast to Follow (besides the Well Soul)

The “Preparing Your Heart for Easter” episode on the So Much More podcast is a helpful listen that I was blessed by this season—and you may be too. (Click picture for link)